Discover High-Caliber Technical Talent for World-Class Technology Companies and Startups

Grow with Google Online Career Fair 2023

Supported by Dicoding Jobs

Organized for recruiters to connect with skilled and career-ready talent in the technology sector. As a hiring partner, you will have access to a robust candidate pool consisting of highly qualified talents, many from non-traditional backgrounds.

Hiring Partners

Access to Grow with Google Graduates

You will get an exclusive chance to get talents with in-depth training in tech skills such as, IT support, DA, UX, ML, MD, Cloud and Google Play. Talents have completed a demanding and rigorous program combining technical instruction with non-technical instruction (soft skills).

  • Access to over 15,000 talents from Grow with Google program.
  • Over 1,500 graduates are globally certified as Associate Android Developer, TensorFlow Developer, & Associate Cloud Engineer.
Access to Bangkit Graduates

Gain A Multitude of Benefits

No charge for participating in the hiring consortium. No hiring commitments are required. No minimum starting salary requirement.

Exclusive access to post open entry-level roles on an online job board, visible only to those who graduate from the Grow with Google program.

Get premium access to Dicoding Jobs throughout the career fair and additional premium access up to 12 months after the career fair.

Receive full service by our team. Office hours are available and our account executives will be more than happy to help you as your assistant.

Enjoy automated features optimized for tech vacancies such as candidate screening questions and online technical test management.

Win the talent war through company brand sessions broadcasted to our brightest future talents. An online stage is available for hiring partners to talk about life at their company. Engage directly with the talents through the Q&A session.

a Hiring Partner

Start by submitting your interest.
Our team will contact you.